Psalm 40:3, NLT; “He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.”
For as long as I can remember I have had music singing in my ears. I never knew that it was Jesus and the heavenly choir singing to me … that is, I didn’t know until I had a very real and close encounter with Jesus.
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Mrs. Betty Tracy leading Sunday Morning Worship at Bread of Life Christian Fellowshp |
The year was 1984, the month of April, and just a few days after my 25th birthday. And the music of my soul was nearly silent and very, very distant. Early that morning, or quite possibly very late the night before, I had made a decision to leave my place of residence and turn myself in on an outstanding arrest warrant. Neither the reasons for the warrant nor my decision to turn myself in is important here, just that I had made it. So, as the sun was coming up, I walked the five miles into Oroville and to the police department. I spoke to the investigating detective on the case, was arrested, processed and booked into the Butte County Jail that morning, Tuesday, April 25, 1984.
I was a very scared, young lady, sitting in the corner of that cell crying and shaking like a leaf. And so very alone. Or so I thought. But Jesus was right there with me.
As I sat there, I noticed a bookshelf with a few ratty and torn volumes on it. But, underneath a stack of magazines, I saw it. A black, hard covered, but a familiar looking book. An old Gideon Bible. For some reason, I found joy in this discovery, a joy deep in my soul that I had forgotten even existed. So I read, voraciously!
All week I stayed mostly to myself, reading from the Bible when in the cell block. Sunday evening a group from a local ministry, Honeyrock - Christian Outreach Ministries, came into the jail and shared a play with the whole population.
It play was about a little girl named Sally, and all that she had suffered through her parent’s separation and divorce. How it had affected her heart and soul. It was heart wrenching. For I didn’t see Sally on the make-shift stage. I saw my children, Brandi and Jeremy. I saw how my wayward life was destroying their hearts and souls, just like Sally’s. I sobbed so deeply, yet quietly, I must have looked like Hannah of old, in the tabernacle praying, when Eli thought her a drunken women. I was broken. Totally and completely broken
After the play, when all of the inmates were back in the cells, the ladies of Honeyrock came into the cell block to share Jesus with us. It was then and there that I truly gave my heart to the Lord in repentance and received His forgiveness. Then I knew Real Joy!
After these sweet ladies shared the gospel with us they told us a bit about their ministry at Honeyrock. I think this may have been because I asked the question. “So, what is a Honeyrock, and how do you get to go there? This was not just a group of people ministering for the Lord. This was a place where they invited in new believers, especially those who had been in jail or prison, to get them grounded in the Word and in real life responsibilities.
Mrs. Meyer, the wife of their Pastor, told us all about how the program was run. I would have to get out of jail first, then meet with the Pastor, Assistant Pastor, and their wives to see if I met the qualifications to become a disciple in training. But before she left, Mrs. Meyer gave me their phone number.
Tuesday morning, I appeared in court once more, to be sentenced. After hearing all of the possibilities, and voicing my understanding of them, Judge Ricks announced sentence; “10 days with credit for time served.”
I didn’t understand what this meant. So I asked the matron when I arrived back at the jail several hours later. She said, “Roll it up young lady, you’re going home.”
Home? When I went to jail I didn’t have a home. I had been camping out in a friend’s garage. I knew I couldn’t go back there, for the very same reason I had left just a week before. I had no home.
But, I had the phone number for Honeyrock in my pocket.
So, I changed my jail blues for my own clothes once more – dirty, but all I had. They had been in the property locker while I was inside. As I walked through those huge steel doors, I stopped at the sergeant’s desk to pick up my belongings, my purse and wallet, empty save for a dime and my Driver’s License, and a stern warning not to loiter as being on jail property for more than 30 minutes would find me back inside.
There was no way to use a phone before leaving the building, but there was a pay phone just outside the jail. I knew that a local phone call would cost 20 cents. I only had 10. So, as I dropped the dime into the coin slot, I prayed, “Lord would you cover the other half? This is all I have.”
The call to Honeyrock went through and they were on the way to pick me up. As I hung up the phone, the dime I had put into the slot, dropped down into the coin return. I knew that God had just said, “No, My child, this call’s on me.”
It was then that I noticed the music was back and at its full, previous volume. Ever since I met Jesus personally, I hear His music in my ears - yes, literally in my ears - when I am living my life the way He would have me to. But when I start slipping away, the music diminishes. It gets lower and lower in volume and magnitude the farther away I roam. But it isn’t Jesus who moves, it is me. So, when the silence becomes noticeable to me, I know I need to renew my commitment and get back on track.
I am very thankful for my life in Christ and the music He gives me, but this is my song. You can’t sing it, only I can. But I am not alone. We each have a song to sing … a story only we can tell. And I would like to encourage each of you to sing out loud and strong. For there are very real people that need to hear what you have to say. People that are where you have previously been on the path of life. They have tough choices to make along the way. Yet without hearing what your song - what you have been through - they will never know that it can be done.
OK, I can hear you all shaking your heads and asking, “How do I sing? Where do I go to share God’s message?”
The Lord has gifted each of us with talents and gifts He designed for this purpose. So, though you can certainly sing, this is a wonderful ministry gift. You can also sing with your whole life by, using your gifts and talents in chorus with God's word, to reach others for Him.
Many of you may not know that being God’s ministers is not just for Pastors, Sunday school teachers and other members of church leadership. No, Jesus called every believer to share the gospel with the world. He said as much to those gathered around Him as He ascended into heaven in Acts 1:5-10.
OK, we now know that God has given us each a unique message of His Love and Salvation to share. But Ladies, let’s keep it in proper perspective. As women of God, we need to know that our first God-given mandate is Hubby, Hearth, and Home; these we must not neglect. Yet, we are also called to share His message. Acts 1:8, NIV says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” For godly women today, I feel this relates as follows:
… You will be My witnesses in your homes and families, your city, county, state, country and ultimately the world.
How do we sing the Lord’s song to a dying world? God has given each of us gifts and talents to bring Him glory. We use these gifts to “sing our song.” Ministry isn’t limited to church leadership, it is something we all are called to do.
Is your gift hospitality, open up your home. Does a neighbor need a sitter? Offer your services. Does she have a heavy heart? Pour some coffee and just listen a while, sharing encouragement with her. Do you write, sing, dance, paint, bake, or sew? In all we do, “…use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11, NIV. Open your heart and let Jesus show you where your ministries lay in your daily life now. He has been waiting to make this revelation to you for some time.
And NEVER think your voice is of no value! Even the light of one candle in a room the size of a football field, that has no other light available, will give off enough light that a person can navigate the room, even if it is furnished and they have never been inside. This small light is called one candle power. The Light that Christ has placed within each of us at Salvation is much brighter than a single candle. It is brighter than 1 million candle power. And, it is within you!
So, in this New Year, I challenge you to commit to this re-written Great Commission:
“You have received power when the Holy Spirit came on you; you are My witnesses to your home and family, city, county, state, country and ultimately the world.”
Find Your Music in Christ, Whatever It Is, And Sing ... Sing Your OWN Song. No One Else Can!
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